Andrographis paniculata is a herbaceous dicot plant widely used traditionally for its anti‐inflammatory and anti‐viral properties across its distribution in India, China and other Asian countries. Its use across this region is well known and historically documented in both traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the Ayurvedic system of medicine . Andrographis is also popular in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries for fighting off cold & flu infections.
Andrographis paniculata has been included in the WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants (World Health Organization, 2002), where it was reported that the plant was considered highly efficacious in inhibiting the spread of the Influenza Epidemic of 1919 in India.
The full Spectrum Andrographis Paniculata Extract
Trademarked by Olive Lifesciences – your trusted partner.
100% traceability from finished product to cultivation.
Backward integration to ensure quality raw material in sufficient quantity and quality. This approach benefits all stake holders from farmers to customers.
Full Spectrum Andrographis extract retaining synergetic efficacy of all herb constituents .
No excipients or additives added and no compromise on efficacy.
0% Adulteration assured by stringent quality check from cultivation, raw herb, in process material and finished products.
Validated manufacturing process without using harsh chemicals to preserve full spectrum efficacy of the herb in its natural form.
Standardization available from 5% to 90% Andrographolide.